St Andrew’s Church, Penrice is cruciform in shape, with an embattled western tower, and the nave and chancel date from the early 12th century.

The tower, north transept and south porch were probably added in the 13th century and the massive oak timbers surrounding the south door are of this date too.

The porch is unusually large and is thought to have been used for transacting civil business in medieval times when Penrice village held as many as four annual fairs and twice weekly markets. It was also used as a school in the 17th century.

Various restorations were carried out in the 19th century including the removal of the gallery, insertion of large windows, renewal of the roof, new flooring and pews, and the division of the nave by a step and low wall.

Not normally open except for services.

Grid Reference 493879
Postcode: SA3 1LN

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