St Cadoc’s Church, Cheriton, known as the tiny ‘Cathedral of Gower’ was probably built in the early 14th century to replace the one at Landimore, abandoned due to the encroachment of the sea. The tower, without transepts, is between the nave and chancel, an uncommon design in South Wales.

The doorway is a fine example from the Decorated period. The Norman font is said to have come from the old church. The old rood loft entrance can be seen above the pulpit. The church was restored in 1874 by the famous Gower historian, Rev J D Davies, who personally carved the choir stalls, altar rails, altar and the embossed wooden ceiling. He is buried close to the south wall in the churchyard, near Ernest Jones, the disciple and biographer of Sigmund Freud.

Open daily throughout the year.

Grid Reference 451932
Postcode: SA3 1BY

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