St Cenydd’s Church, Llangennith is a 12th century church on the site of a 6th century llan, or churchyard, which retains the original circular footprint. The floor was raised and the interior subjected to careful Victorian remodelling. In the south wall are the remains of a medieval doorway to the cloisters of the adjoining monastery/priory, and in the rear of the chancel arch is evidence of a rood-stair.

There is a knight’s effigy said to be of the de la Mere family, known as ‘the Dolly Mare’. On the chancel arch has been placed a 9th century grave-slab with intricate knotwork carvings, believed to have marked the grave of St Cenydd who founded the llan, and the associated cell on nearby Burry Holms.

The 20th century lych gate, font lid, frontals chest and other items of church furniture have interesting carvings by local craftsman William Melling. In the graveyard are buried celebrated Gower folksinger Phil Tanner, and Battle of Britain hero Wing Cdr Tony Eyre.

Open daily throughout the year.

Grid Reference 429914

Postcode: SA3 1HU

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