Côr Meibion Dyfnant / Dunvant Male Choir has the unique achievement of 125 years of unbroken history, enjoying the distinction of being the oldest in Wales with a continuous history. It was formed in January 1895 by a group of miners, steelworkers and quarrymen from the members of Ebenezer Chapel. It is the archetypal Welsh Choir that sprung naturally out of its community and the mould of the times.

The choir has performed as the sole male choir at the Royal Albert Hall, the Chapel of King’s College Cambridge, the Chapel of Harvard University, the Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto and in the ancient Cathedrals of Chichester, Exeter, Gloucester and Hereford.

This proud tradition continues today under Jonathan Rogers, Musical Director, and D. Huw Rees and Tony Phipps, Joint Accompanists.

We are always looking for and pleased to welcome new choristers, whether experienced or complete beginners. We rehearse twice weekly in Ebenezer Chapel, Dunvant, SA2 7UX on Mondays and Wednesdays between 7pm and 9pm.

Please visit our website for more information https://www.dunvantchoir.wales

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