Gower in Covid 19 lockdown

05th June 2020
Gower guring lockdown

This article has now been superseded by a statement from the First Minister of Wales issued on 19th June 2020. Click here to read the current position in Wales.

I’m getting lots of enquiries from holidaymakers asking when they can book to come to Gower.

When will it be open again? 

In short… we don’t know.

The next review by the First Minister of Wales will be on 19th June 2020. At the moment, we can only travel 5 miles from our home unless it is for provisions or health reasons etc.

If you are looking to come on holiday to Gower, then my advice is to enquire with the property owner as to what their terms are, for the period after 19th June.

I always recommend that holidaymakers take out independent travel insurance that will cover them in the event of cancellation.
Although I realise that many policies may now not cover events specifically relating to the pandemic, it is still important to take out travel insurance cover in case something else happens which prevents you from travelling.
In most cases, property owners do request full payment unless they can re-let the period that you have booked.

In the meantime, please stay safe and please let others know that the lockdown restrictions that have been lifted in England so far, do not apply to Wales at this point in time. 

A list of FAQ published by the Welsh Government can be found by following this link: https://gov.wales/coronavirus-regulations-guidance